Computation plays a crucial role both in industry and academic research. In my opinion, a standard workflow usually includes these key steps:
propose a question
model it utilizing mathematical and statistical tools
come up with parameter calibration or estimation strategy
design algorithms
coding-level implementation and deployment
The first step requires domain knowledge, e.g. economics, finance
Math, optimization and statistics are needed in the second and third steps
CS skills and knowledge (at least useful senses) are indispensable for the efficient execution (step 4, 5), especially in large scale, real-time and high frequency cases
Our targets
NUSCE is committed to performing a “good” computation. To achieve a “good” computation, knowledge in statistics, math, optimization and skills in CS are required, thus NUSCE will cover them!
After NUSCE, we expect we can
learn and understand math/stat/Opt theories by doing computation
familiarize ourselves with the widely used numerical methods
efficiently conduct the large scale computation using use R, Python (C++)
solve ad hoc problems ourselves
Part I. Computer Sciences
Computer Structure
Operating System
Concurrent Programming
Distributed System (MapReduce)
Algorithm Theoretical Analysis
An Introduction to Quantum Computing
Note: R language will be the main programming tool in NUSCE, C++ and Python will be employed for demostration and comparison purpose
Part II.
Linear Equations and Iterative Methods
Nonlinear Equations
Approximation Methods
Numerical Integration and Differentiation
(Quasi-) Monte Carlo and Simulation Methods
Finite-Difference Methods
Projection Methods for Functional Equations
Numerical Dynamic Programming
Regular Perturbations of Simple and Multidimensional System
Advanced Asymptotic Methods
Solution Methods for Perfect Foresight and Rational Expectations Models
Reference: Judd, K. L., & Judd, K. L. (1998). Numerical methods in economics. MIT press.
Part III.
Invite guest speakers for the topics below:
Computation in tech firms
Computation in top hedge funds
Fog Computation and IoT
To be added
Organizational form
Online (Zoom)
TC (Theory + Code demo)
2 hours, biweekly
Each member should present one topic in Part II (send the note 3 days ahead, simply borrow from reference book when drafting)
Timeslot: Sunday 10:00-12:00 AM
Mastering & leveraging the technology advances helps bridge the gap between our research and industry!
Email to with title [NUSCE_your name] if you are interested in NUSCE (you will be added to the mail list)